New paper on Ca isotopes in carbonatites published!
Calcium isotopic evidence for the mantle sources of carbonatites
Amsellem et al., in Science Advances
Calcium isotopic evidence for the mantle sources of carbonatites
Amsellem et al., in Science Advances
Congratulations to HiTech AlkCarb PI, Frances Wall on winning the Geological Society of London's William Smith Medal. The William Smith Medal is awarded for excellence in applied and economic aspects of geology.
Adrian Finch and colleagues publish a review on the processes that led to the formation of the Motzfeldt intrusion in the Gardar Province, Greenland, entitled “From Mantle to Motzfeldt” the publication is open access and can be downloaded here.
Motzfeldt is included within the Igaliko intrusive centre on this website.
Graham Banks and colleagues have published a new paper on "A Workflow to Define, Map and Name a Carbonatite- or Alkaline Igneous-Associated REE-HFSE Mineral System: A Case Study from SW Germany". The manuscript is open access and can be found here.
Pete Siegfried and others have published a new paper on scandium "In search of the forgotten rare earth". It can be found here.
Ben Walter and colleagues have published a new paper on "Pyrochlore as a monitor for magmatic and hydrothermal processes in carbonatites from the Kaiserstuhl volcanic complex (SW Germany)" Please find the open access publication here
Holly Elliott and collaborators review our understanding of fenites and their association with economic mineralisation using 17 known examples of fenites associated with carbonatites "Fenites associated with carbonatite complexes: A review". The manuscript is open access and can be found here.