Cerro Pedreira
Cerro Pedreira is a syenitic alkaline complex located on the Paraguay River of north-western Paraguay, belonging to the Alto Paraguay Igneous Province.
Complete list of alkaline rocks and carbonatites
Cerro Pedreira is a syenitic alkaline complex located on the Paraguay River of north-western Paraguay, belonging to the Alto Paraguay Igneous Province.
Cerro Siete Cabezas is a syenitic alkaline complex located on the Paraguay River of north-western Paraguay, belonging to the Alto Paraguay Igneous Province.
Central Chihuahua, Mexico is host to a stratigraphic sequence of calc-alkaline, alkaline, and peralkaline eruptives of varying composition exposed primarily at two localities: Bellavista Canyon and Santa Clara Canyon.
The Ayulta Volcanic Field of Jalisco, Mexico is located in the volcanic front of the western Mexican Volcanic Belt.
The Hermosillo region of Sonora, Mexico is host to a number of mesas formed of peralkaline rhyolite. Outcrops are scattered over a 25 x 40 km area and are composed of a single unit known as the Hermosillo ignimbrite, with layers oriented horizontal to gently dipping west.
The Latir Volcanic Field is located in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, northern New Mexico, with rocks and erosional remnants of the field covering an area of ~1200 km2.
The Zuni-Bandera Volcanic Field, west central New Mexico is a Quaternary aged volcanic field located in the transition zone between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range.
Robbers Roost, located 25 km northeast of Hanksville, Utah, is a geographical feature of the Green River Desert that is home to lamproite dykes.
The Bingham District, northern Utah is home to one of the world’s most renowned Cu-Au-Mo porphyry deposits formed from an intrusion of primarily quartz monzonite, with minor “biotite porphyry” and one example of a minette dyke.
Mormon Mountain Volcanic Field (MMVF), located in northern Arizona, is a Cenozoic volcanic field situated in the transition zone between the Basin and Range and the Colorado Plateau near the southwestern margin of the latter.