Tibbit Hill
The Tibbit Hill Formation is a group of metamorphosed volcanic rocks located in the Waterloo area of Quebec, Canada. The formation is predominantly metabasaltic, with these rocks enclosing a band of metafelsites 15 x 2.5 km.
Complete list of alkaline rocks and carbonatites
The Tibbit Hill Formation is a group of metamorphosed volcanic rocks located in the Waterloo area of Quebec, Canada. The formation is predominantly metabasaltic, with these rocks enclosing a band of metafelsites 15 x 2.5 km.
Napoleon Bay, Baffin Island, Canada hosts a series of NW-SE to W-E trending, ~2 m thick lamproite dykes. These structures are known as the Baffin Dykes, and intrude biotite gneiss, mafic gneiss, and anorthosite likely belonging to the metaplutonics of the Paleoproterozoic Torngat orogeny.
The Patterson Lake Alkaline Intrusive Complex is found within the Patterson Lake Corridor of north western Saskatchewan, Canada. It is emplaced into crystalline basement orthogneiss of the Taltson Domain, situated at the southern edge of the Athabasca Basin.
The Bearpaw Ridge alkaline complex is located in the Rocky Mountains of eastern British Columbia. It consists of an oval-shaped body of syenite 500x1000 m in size, flanked by two smaller sills of similar composition intruding the Silurian Nonda Formation volcaniclastics.
Heart Peaks of British Columbia, Canada is a shield volcano belonging to the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province.
The Satah Mountain Volcanic Field is located in the Chilcotin Highland of western British Columbia, belonging to the central segment of the E-W oriented Anahim Volcanic Belt. It forms the NNW-SSE trending, ~50 by 20 km long Satah Ridge composed of tephra cones, domes, plugs, and lava flows.
The Baldface Mountain Volcanic Field is located in the Chilcotin Highland of western British Columbia, belonging to the central segment of the E-W oriented Anahim Volcanic Belt.
Level Mountain, north-western British Columbia, is a volcano belonging to the Northern Cordilleran Volcanic Province. The highest point is Meszah Peak at 2166 m and the whole complex covers an area of ~1800 km2.
Aiyansh/Tseax is a volcano associated with a lava flow located in north-western British Columbia, Canada. It is the southernmost volcanic centre of the Northern Cordillera Volcanic Belt, currently lying dormant with its last eruption occurring in the 18th century.
Rainy Ridge of southwestern Alberta, Canada hosts a 5-7 m thick analcime phonolite sill, emplaced within the Gateway Formation of the Proterozoic Purcell Supergroup.