In the area between the villages of Siquirres and Turrialba along the Rio Reventazon a number of teschenite sills outcrop which are associated with lavas of alkali basalt and basanite. The sills are up to 40 m thick and are emplaced in Tertiary marine sediments. Some sills are homogeneous and comprise olivine, salite, a brown amphibole, plagioclase (An55), analcime (30-35%) and a little biotite, apatite, zeolite, opaques and sometimes hauyne. Other sills pass from a mesocratic facies at lower levels, rich in olivine, clinopyroxene and labradorite with interstitial analcime and a little biotite, opaques, apatite and zeolite, to leucocratic rocks at higher levels containing only a little salite, andesine, much more abundant interstitial analcime, alkali feldspar, biotite, opaques, zeolites and apatite. There is some acicular aegirine-augite or aegirine and in some sills nepheline occurs.
AZAMBE, B. and TOURNON, J. 1977. Les intrusions basiques alcalines du Rio Reventazon (Costa Rica). Compte Rendu Sommaire des Seances de la Societe Geologique de France, 2: 104-7.
BELLON, H. and TOURNON, J. 1978. Contribution de la geochronometrie K-Ar a l'etude du magmatisme de Costa Rica, Amerique Centrale. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France, 20: 955-9.
TOURNON, J. 1973. Presence de basaltes alcalins Recents au Costa Rica (Amerique Centrale). Bulletin Volcanologique, 36: 140-7