The La Scie intrusive complex comprises the Reddits Cove gabbro, the La Scie granite and the Seal Island Bight syenite, only the last being peralkaline. The syenite is a fine to medium-grained rock with mafic inclusions in places, and consisting of orthoclase, microcline, which is sometimes perthitic, rare plagioclase and less than 10% quartz, which is graphically intergrown with orthoclase; riebeckite and opaques are the only mafic constituents.
BELL, K. and BLENKINSOP, J. 1975. Preliminary report on radiometric (Rb/Sr) age-dating, Burlington Peninsula, Newfoundland. Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, Mineral Development Division, unpublished report: 1-9.
DEGRACE, J.R., KEAN, B.F., HSU, E. and GREEN, T. 1976. Geology of the Nippers Harbour Map Area (2E/13) Newfoundland. Report, Newfoundland Department of Mines and Energy, 76-3: 1-73.