The Mann 1 occurrence lies some 12 km northeast of the North Red Wine complex (Fig. 79) and is associated with a fault breccia zone in variable peralkaline syenite. It consists of a lenticular mass of about 2x0.5 km lying between comenditic rocks of the Letitia Lake Group and fine grained, peralkaline syenite. The alkaline rocks appear to be metasomatized and melted Letitia Lake Group rocks, the whole having a migmatitic appearance. The alkaline rocks are correlated by Curtis and Currie (1981) with their hybrid syenites (unit 11) and comprise heterogeneous and fractured rocks with a more leucocratic portion consisting of albite, arfvedsonite and quartz with subordinate aegirine, schizolite, pectolite and aenigmatite, and a host mesocratic rock of plumose albite, with eudialyte, neptunite and pyrochlore. Near pegmatitic veinlets are traces of barylite, eudidymite, neptunite, niobophyllite, pyrochlore and other beryllium minerals.
CURRIE, K.L. 1976a. The alkaline rocks of Canada. Bulletin, Geological Survey of Canada, 239: 1-228.
CURTIS, L.W. and CURRIE, K.L. 1981. Geology and petrology of the Red Wine alkaline complex, central Labrador. Bulletin, Geological Survey of Canada, 294: 1-61.
EVANS, E.L. and DUJARDIN, R.A. 1961. A unique beryllium deposit in the vicinity of Ten Mile Lake, Seal Lake area, Labrador. Proceedings of the Geological Association of Canada, 13: 45-51.
HILL, J.D. and THOMAS, A. 1983. Correlation of two Helikian peralkaline granite-volcanic centres in central Labrador. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 20: 753-63.
Thomas, A. personal communication, 1983.