Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Sturgeon Narrows


Occurrence number: 
Longitude: -90.7, Latitude: 49.98

Lying principally along the eastern shore of the narrows on Sturgeon Lake the alkaline complex is 13.7x1.3-4.5 km and appears to plunge to the southwest. Contacts are generally conformable against greenschist facies sediments and volcanics which have been slightly fenitized locally. The alkaline rocks are often banded with some compositional and textural layering. Three compositional zones can be distinguished with gradational contacts. The more northeasterly rocks vary from nepheline syenite to a rock with 5% quartz. They comprise alkali feldspars, nepheline or quartz, and mafics in excess of 25% including pyroxene, amphibole, biotite, garnet and opaques. An outer syenite is a variously equigranular or porphyritic nepheline syenite of alkali feldspars, nepheline, sodalite, zeolite and cancrinite, 10-25% mafics including aegirine-augite/augite, sodic amphibole, biotite, garnet and accessories. The inner leucosyenite contains 10-15% of aegirine-augite, biotite and garnet, with alkali feldspars, nepheline and zeolite. Lamprophyric, aplitic and pegmatitic dykes occur within the complex. Details of the mineralogy are not yet available but rock analyses are given in Trowell (1983b, p. 58).


TROWELL, N.F. 1983a. Geology of the Sturgeon Lake area Districts of Thunder Bay and Kenora. Report, Ontario Geological Survey, 221: 1-97.
TROWELL, N.F. 1983b. Geology of the Squaw Lake - Sturgeon Lake area District of Thunder Bay. Report, Ontario Geological Survey, 227: 1-114.

Fig. 1_26 Location (black areas) of the Squaw Lake, Sturgeon Narrows and Bell Lake alkaline complexes (after Trowell, 1983a, Maps 2456, 2457 and 2485).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith