The only outcrop is a carbonatite dyke on the shore of Camp Lake, which dips to the northeast, has a thickness of nearly 10 m, a length of 40 m and cuts fenitized Precambrian gneisses. The rock consists of calcite, green amphibole, apatite, magnetite, pyrochlore and locally baryte. A strong aeromagnetic anomaly about 5 km in diameter (Ferguson, 1971, Map) indicates the probable size of the intrusion, which has been confirmed by drilling. Drilling intersected vertically-dipping bands of sovite and mafic rocks consisting of pyroxene, amphibole, magnetite, apatite, mica and calcite with disseminated pyrrhotine, blebs of chalcopyrite, pyrochlore and mafic rock fragments.
FERGUSON, S.A. 1971. Columbium (niobium) deposits of Ontario. Mineral Resources Circular, Ontario Department of Mines and Northern Affairs, 14: 1-58.
GITTINS, J., MACINTYRE, R.M. and YORK, D. 1967. The ages of carbonatite complexes in eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 4: 651-5.