Itarantim comprises a major intrusion some 16 km in diameter together with two smaller intrusions to the southeast, all emplaced in a varied suite of Precambrian gneisses and granites which are extensively fenitized adjacent to the complex. The principal rock types are biotite and aegirine-nepheline syenites, with aegirine syenite also occurring. A 100x500 m intrusion of sodalite syenite lies in the southeastern part of the complex and the two smaller intrusions consist of quartz-pyroxene syenite.
BARBOSA de DEUS, P., RANGEL, P.dde A. and SILVEIRA, W.P. 1976. Geologia do macico alcalino de Itarantim. Anais Congresso Brasileira de Geologia, 29: 355-6.
CORDANI, U., HALPERN, M. and BERENHOLE, M. 1974. Comentarois sobre as determinacoes geocronologicas do Folha Porto Alegre SH.22. In. Carta Geologica do Brasil ao miliuonesimo: texto explicativo. 70-88. Ministerio das Minas e Energia, Departamento Nacional da Producao Mineral, Brasilia