The Bunduk intrusion is situated several kilometres northeast of the Tezhsar complex on the southern slope of the Bazumsky mountain range. This is a dyke-like body expanding at its eastern end to a width of 2 km. There are also several smaller bodies in the vicinity with areas up to 1 km2. The Bunduk intrusion is composed of various textural and mineralogical varieties of peralkaline syenites including leucosyenites, one variety of which is an oligoclase rock with a little arfvedsonite. The principal rock-forming minerals are perthite, oligoclase (An15-30), diopside-augite, arfvedsonite, ferrohastingsite and biotite with accessory zircon, davidite, hellandite, orthite, baddeleyite, titanite, ilmenite and thorite. There is a little nepheline syenite. Various types of secondary alteration, including the development of biotite, amphibole and albite, are manifest.
ABOVYAN, S.B., AGAMALYAN, V.A. and ASLANYAN, A.T. et al. 1981. I.G. Magakyan (ed) Magmatic and metamorphic formations of the Armenian SSR. Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, Erevan. 331 pp.
BAGDASARYAN, G.P. and GUKASYAN, P.X. 1962. The results of the absolute age determination of the separate magmatic complexes of the Armyanskaya SSR. Nauka, Moscow and Leningrad. 283-303.