Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences



Occurrence number: 
Longitude: 34.18, Latitude: 0.68

Tororo rock is a precipitous hill of carbonatite rising over 300 m above the surrounding plain. The carbonatite also extends southwards to form Reservoir Hill. Further to the south again, and separated by an area of fenites, is Limekiln Hill the carbonatites of which invaded ijolites and nepheline syenite. The main mass of carbonatite was apparently emplaced as a series of rings with the dips of the concentric banded structures decreasing outwards (Williams, 1952). A similar structure pertains at Limekiln Hill with the vertical masses separated by bands of xenolithic material derived from the walls. Wall rock xenoliths are feldspathized around the edges, but in ijolitic xenoliths the pyroxene shows alteration to biotite, while pyroxenite-melteigite xenoliths are altered along calcite veins to sodic amphibole similar to that found in fenites. Banding is widespread in the carbonatites and generally defined by layers rich in aegirine-augite, magnetite or biotite. Apatite, fluorite and pyrochlore also occur in the carbonatites. Agglomerate dykes up to 12 m wide cut the carbonatite and include fragments of both basement rocks and ijolite which are carbonated and with nepheline replaced by cancrinite and zeolites. The ijolites, which are restricted to the northern and northwestern lower slopes of Limekiln Hill, are extensively invaded by carbonatite and feldspathized. The contact with syenitic fenite is abrupt and dips outwards at 45°. Fragments of melteigite-pyroxenite occur in the ijolites, which are typically heterogeneous. Pyroxene varies from diopside through to aegirine-augite and the nepheline is commonly replaced by cancrinite. Later veins and patches of nepheline and bladed wollastonite were followed by the development of melanite. Nepheline syenites are characterized by euhedral nepheline and acicular aegirine with K-feldspar forming clear, poikilitic plates and a little albite in some rocks. These rocks are to be distinguished from feldspathized ijolites (King and Sutherland, 1966), but the nepheline syenites have themselves also been feldspathized in the vicinity of carbonatite. The extensive aureole of fenites around the complex is superimposed on Precambrian granites that are shattered along networks of irregular channels and with the quartz rimmed, then replaced completely, by aegirine and sodic amphibole. The ultimate product of the fenitization is a quartz-free syenite of variably perthitic feldspar and sheaves of acicular aegirine. Potassic (K2O = 13.7%) trachyte dykes 30 cm or so wide cut the fenites to the east of the complex. They consist of cloudy K-feldspar in a groundmass of aligned feldspar laths with aggregates of limonite. Sutherland (1980) has described carbonatite with spherical structures of magnetite and calcite and mafic dykes containing rounded fragments, both of which are ascribed to fluidisation processes. Calcite and shortite occurring as inclusions in apatite have been described by Aspden (1981). Analyses of carbonates and apatite are given in Dawson et al. (1996). Data on C and O isotopes in carbonatites will be found in Denaeyer (1970) and Nelson et al. (1988), trace elements, including REE, and Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotopic data for a carbonatite in Nelson et al. (1988), Nd and Sr isotopic data in Bell and Blenkinsop (1987), and U, Th and Pb isotopic data in Lancelot and Allegre (1974) and Nelson et al. (1988).

The carbonatite of Limekiln Hill has been quarried for the cement industry, which had an annual capacity of 160,000 tons of portland cement (Deans, 1966).
An age of 40 Ma has been obtained from Nd and Sr isotopic data (Bell and Blenkinsop, 1987).

ASPDEN, J.A. 1981. The composition of solid inclusions and the occurrence of shortite in apatites from the Tororo carbonatite complex of eastern Uganda. Mineralogical Magazine, 44: 201-4.BELL, K and BLENKINSOP, J. 1987. Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of East African carbonatites: implications for mantle heterogeneity. Geology, 15: 99-102.DAVIES, K.A. 1956. The geology of part of south-east Uganda. Memoir, Geological Survey of Uganda, 8: 1-76.DAWSON, J.B., STEELE, I.M., SMITH, J.V. and RIVERS, M.L. 1996. Minor and trace element chemistry of carbonates, apatites and magnetites in some African carbonatites. Mineralogical Magazine, 60: 415-25.DEANS, T. 1966. Economic mineralogy of African carbonatites. In O.F. Tuttle and J. Gittins (eds), Carbonatites. 385-413. John Wiley, New York.DENAEYER, M.M.E. 1970. Rapports isotopiques (O et (C et conditions d'affleurement des carbonatites de l'Afrique centrale. Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Paris, 270D: 2155-8.KING, B.C. and SUTHERLAND, D.S. 1966. The carbonatite complexes of eastern Uganda. In O.F. Tuttle and J. Gittins (eds) Carbonatites. 73-126. John Wiley, New York.LANCELOT, J.R. and ALLEGRE, C.J. 1974. Origin of carbonatite magma in the light of the Pb-U-Th isotope system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 22: 233-8.NELSON, D.R., CHIVAS, A.R., CHAPPELL, B.W. and MCCULLOCH, M.T. 1988. Geochemical and isotopic systematics in carbonatites and implications for the evolution of ocean-island sources. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 52: 1-17.SUTHERLAND, D.S. 1980. Two examples of fluidisation from the Tororo carbonatite complex, southeast Uganda. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 91: 39-45.WILLIAMS, C.E. 1952. Carbonatite structure: Tororo Hills, eastern Uganda. Geological Magazine, 69: 286-92.

Fig. 3_338 Tororo (after King and Sutherland, 1966, Fig. 7).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith