Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Jebel Demik (Damik, Dameik)


Occurrence number: 
Longitude: 29.48, Latitude: 11.23

Jebel Demik has a central stock of peralkaline quartz syenite containing sodic amphibole. This is enveloped in a ring of arfvedsonite granite. El Nadi (1980) was able to distinguish an inner ring of biotite microgranite which was not distinguished by Curtis and Brinkmann (1984) during their reconnaissance survey. A limited area of subalkaline syenite occurs on the northwestern margin. A number of microgranite dykes, which could be ring-dykes, cut the basement outcropping to the north of the complex.

A K-Ar determination by Batyrmurzaev et al. (1982) on quartz microsyenite gave 160±11 Ma.

BATYRMURZAEV, A.S., TROFIMOV, N.N., SHAKHPAZOV, I.M., AHMED, F., KHALIL, B.E., ZAKIEVA, F.S., GADZLIIEO, S.Z. and SLYMAEV, A.A. 1982. The absolute age of minerals in certain Sudanese provinces. In: Mobile belts and deposits. A collection of scientific papers, Academy of Sciences, Moscow. Patrice Lumumba University: 30-6. CURTIS, P. and BRINKMANN, K. 1985. The geology of younger intrusive alkali complexes in the southwestern Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Geologisches Jahrbuch, 63: 3-41.EL NADI, A.H. 1980. The geology of the Kheig El Kheil, Damik and Umm Dugo igneous complexes, Nuba Mountains, Sudan. M.Sc. thesis, University of Khartoum. (unpublished)

Fig. 3_291 Alkaline intrusions of the southwest Nuba Mountains (after Curtis and Brinkmann, 1985, Geological Reconnaissance map, 1:250,000).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith