Situated in the extreme southwestern corner of the Bayuda Desert this 12x8 km complex is intruded into basement gneisses but partly obscured by superfical deposits. A 3-4 km wide central syenite, cut by trachytic dykes in the northwest, is surrounded by successive rings of amphibole and biotite granite with quartz porphyry dykes. On the eastern side of the complex lies a heavily faulted area of microgranite, quartz porphyry dykes and altered basement which is overlain by rhyolitic lavas in the northeast. A further area of syenite lies on the eastern margin of the complex. There are several late basaltic intrusions.
BARTH, H. and MEINHOLD, K.-D. 1979. Mineral prospecting in the Bayuda Desert. Part 1, Volume A. Investigation of mineral potential. Technical Report Sudanese-German Exploration Project. Hannover (Bundesanstalt fur Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe). 336 pp. (unpublished) BARTH, H., BESANG, C., LENZ, H. and MEINHOLD, K.-D. 1983. Results of petrological investigations and Rb/Sr age determinations on the non-orogenic igneous ring-complexes in the Bayuda Desert, Sudan. Geologisches Jahrbuch, 51: 1-34.