This 20x18 km complex is composed mainly of gabbroic rocks that are enveloped in granite including biotite and riebeckite/arfvedsonite-aegirine-augite-bearing varieties. A volcanic phase, which is intruded by the granites, is present in the northeastern part of the complex and includes rhyolitic lavas which overlie quartz porphyry dykes. Kuron (1978) describes these rocks as containing 'greenish-blue' pyroxenes and sodic amphiboles. Carbonate rocks are described by Kuron (1978) as forming dykes and plugs within and around the complex but it seems unlikely that these are carbonatites.
KURON, J.L. 1978. The geology of some igneous ring complexes, north-west of Port Sudan, Red Sea Province, Sudan. M.Phil. thesis, Portsmouth Polytechnic. 160 pp. (unpublished).