This plug has a north-south diameter of nearly 1 km and cuts granite of the Bushveld Complex. It comprises a hornblende syenite which envelops a central quartz syenite. The quartz syenite is a uniformally textured rock of strongly zoned, euhedral alkali feldspar, aegirine/diopside, a sodic amphibole and interstitial quartz (Harmer, 1985). Xenoliths in the syenites and veins cutting the surrounding granites are described as 'soda trachyte' while syenite aplites cut the outer part of the plug.
HARMER, R.E. 1985. Rb-Sr isotopic study of units of the Pienaars River alkaline complex, north of Pretoria, South Africa. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, 88: 215-23.VERWOERD, W.J. 1967. The carbonatites of South Africa and South West Africa. Geological Survey of South Africa, Handbook, 6: 1-452