Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Phalaborwa (Palabora)


Occurrence number: 
South Africa
Longitude: 31.13, Latitude: -24

The Phalaborwa carbonatite complex is probably, in economic terms, the most important carbonatite in the world, being not only one of the world's major sources of copper, but of a wide range of other valuable commodities besides - as detailed below. The complex is emplaced in Archaean granite gneisses which are fenitized along some, but not all, contacts. The central complex measures about 7 km north-south and varies between about 1.5 and 3.5 km in width, with an area of 15 km2. There are also numerous associated plugs and dykes of syenite and carbonate-bearing breccias. The irregular form of the main complex seems to have been produced by three overlapping centres of injection, each of which has a concentric distribution of rock types. The most abundant rocks are pyroxenites which grade along most of their margin to a microcline-bearing pyroxenite, also referred to as shonkinite, which is in places in contact with fenite. Towards the centre of the complex at the former hill of Loolekop (now completely removed by mining operations) a 400x900 m vertical pipe of carbonatite is surrounded by a broad zone of phoscorite (spelled foskorite in some publications) and this in turn by 'outer zone pegmatoid' with similar rocks forming an extensive area in the northern part of the complex and a smaller area in the south. Within the large area of outer zone pegmatoid in the north is an inner zone pegmatoid which is being worked at present for vermiculite. A crescentic area of hydrobiotite/glimmerite lies to the west of the carbonatite between pyroxenite and shonkinite and has gradational contacts with them. An area of similar rock also lies to the southwest of Loolekop. A large number of syenite plugs, many of which form conical hills, cut the country rocks and are particularly abundant in the vicinity of the southern half of the complex. The pyroxenites constitute about two thirds of the complex and their distribution is shown in Fig. ??, based on the work of Hanekom et al. (1965), but significant differences are shown by later work, notably in the central northern pegmatoid area (Eriksson et al., 1985; Fourie and Jager, 1989). The pyroxenites comprise clinopyroxene, phlogopite, apatite and microcline and vary from rocks consisting solely of pyroxene to glimmerites consisting only of phlogopite. These rocks are referred to as pegmatoids when the grain size exceeds 5 mm, but in many areas it can be greater than 1 metre. Eriksson et al. (1985) further divide the rocks into apatite-poor (<1% P2O5 and no visible apatite in hand specimen) and apatite-rich, the former group being concentrated in the central northern area amongst which phlogopite-pyroxene and serpentine-phlogopite pegmatoids are widespread. The massive pyroxenites consist of pale green diopside-salite, apatite, minor phlogopite, calcite and magnetite. They grade through phlogopite pyroxenites to glimmerites with <25% pyroxene. These rocks are texturally very variable and may contain alternating bands, on a scale of a few centimetres, of phlogopite and pyroxene-apatite, which persist laterally for tens of metres, generally have a curved form and are described and illustrated by Moore (1984), who describes some of the structures as 'orbicular'. The pyroxenites are characterised by their heterogeneity with banding, inclusions and cross-cutting relationships common, as illustrated by Eriksson et al. (1985, Figs 6-12). The narrow peripheral band of feldspathic pyroxenite varies from zero to several hundred metres wide and consists of subhedral to euhedral diopside crystals enclosed poikilitically by microcline. When feldspar is abundant the rims of the pyroxenes may be a deeper green. The same rock type occurs in three plugs around the complex (Hanekom et al., 1965) in one of which, Guide Copper Mine, the pyroxene is multiply zoned from diopside to aegirine-augite (Eriksson, 1985). The pegmatoids consist of phlogopite-pyroxene-apatite and serpentine-phlogopite varieties according to Eriksson et al. (1985) of which the latter consists of phlogopite dunite in which the olivine is serpentinised, and dyke-like bodies of phlogopite and serpentinised pyroxenite, but drilling indicates the pyroxene to decrease with depth. Pegmatoids of the central and southern areas are rich in apatite, which is absent from that of the northern area, while much of the phlogopite in the pegmatoids is altered to vermiculite. Analyses of the micas are given by Hanekom et al. (1965) and of micas and pyroxenes by Eriksson (1989). Between the carbonatite and the surrounding phlogopite-pyroxene-apatite pegmatoid is a zone of phoscorite, a rock first named at this locality and consisting of olivine, apatite, magnetite, carbonate minerals, phlogopite and serpentine. The proportions of the minerals vary widely from pure olivine to pure magnetite rocks with the minerals distributed approximately in vertical bands. Irregular areas of carbonate occur within the phoscorite and these become more abundant as the central carbonatite is approached. Olivine, which forms grains up to several centimetres across, is variably fresh or partly serpentinised and may be rimmed by phlogopite or chondrodite. Phlogopite has reversed pleochroism and magnetite is of several generations; grains range from <1 mm to tens of centimetres in diameter. Apatite averages 25% by volume (Hanekom et al., 1965) and forms stubby prisms several millimetres in length, as well as larger aggregates. Calcite forms veins and lenses; clinohumite, baddeleyite and a wide range of sulphides are present. The central carbonatite is of two generations: an earlier 'banded' carbonatite and a later 'transgressive' carbonatite. The banded carbonatite is intimately interdigitated with, and grades into, the phoscorite and forms numerous arcuate sheets around the central transgressive carbonatite, as clearly shown on the detailed map of the Palabora Mining Company Limited Mine Geological and Mineralogical Staff (1976, Fig. 3). Drilling has indicated that the carbonatite has a vertical, pipe-like structure that persists to a depth of more than a kilometre. The banded carbonatite is relatively coarse-grained and averages about 20% magnetite which forms continuous layers, lines of crystals and aggregates that define a vertical, elliptical banding parallel to magnetite-rich layers in the adjacent phoscorite. Calcite of the banded carbonatite contains 7.5% MgCO3 (Lombaard et al., 1964) and often shows exsolution lamellae of dolomite. Olivine is rare and may be partly replaced by phlogopite, clinohumite or monazite while there are a range of sulphide minerals the most widespread being bornite. Analyses of calcite, exsolved dolomite, apatite, magnetite and humite are given in Dawson et al. (1996). The transgressive carbonatite, which is elongated east-west, comprises a central body and numerous dykes and veins emanating from it that extend into the surrounding phoscorite and pyroxenite. There are also two arcuate sheets of transgressive carbonatite within the phoscorite east of the main body. The carbonate is more magnesian (14% MgCO3) than that of the banded carbonatite, but magnetite is equally abundant. Phlogopite is plentiful and, like that of the phoscorite, displays reverse pleochroism. Apatite forms anhedral grains and is more abundant than in the banded carbonatite; olivine is rare but chondrodite and clinohumite form aggregates of crystals up to several centimetres across. Chalcopyrite is the principal sulphide phase and contains lamellae of cubanite and bornite. An account of the copper minerals, which in an upper oxidation zone include malachite, azurite, chrysocolla, plancheite, cuprite and native copper, is given by Lombaard et al. (1964). The numerous syenite plugs cutting the basement around the complex have been described in some detail by Frick (1975). The syenites include porphyritic, hypidiomorphic, granular and gneissose varieties with a wide range of grain sizes. They consist of orthoclase, which may form phenocrysts, albite, quartz and aegirine-augite, which may be partially replaced by sodic amphibole; titanite, apatite and magnetite are accessory. Frick (1975) gives numerous analyses of the syenites which indicate that they are highly potassic rocks (up to 14% K2O) and generally peralkaline. He also describes fenites from the western margin of the central complex which involve the development of orthoclase and sodic amphibole in the basement granites from which quartz is removed. Analyses indicate that these rocks are also highly potassic. Analyses of all rock types are to be found in Hanekom et al. (1965), of the main silicate rocks in Eriksson (1989) and of phoscorite, pyroxenite and glimmerite in Fourie and Jager (1986). Data on Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, U-Pb, O and C isotopes will be found in Eriksson (1989) and on S isotopes of carbonatites in Mitchell and Krouse (1975) and Gehlen (1976).

There are three large opencast mines on the Phalaborwa complex producing copper, apatite and vermiculite, together with a range of other valuable by-products, particularly from the copper mine. The copper operation is centred on the former Loolekop and in 1984 the open pit measured 1.9x1.5 km. Over 100 million tons of ore and waste are hauled annually, the average copper grade varying from 0.48 to 0.57%. It is planned that a final depth of 775 m will be reached in 1998 (Verwoerd, 1986), after which production will be underground, drilling having indicated little change in the mineralogy to 1200 m. The ore body includes the phoscorite and both the banded and transgressive carbonatites, the last having grades of >1% copper. Chalcopyrite is the main copper sulphide in the transgressive carbonatite with bornite in the other two rock types, but there are a number of other copper-bearing phases (Lombaard et al., 1964) including valleriite, which causes beneficiation problems (Palabora Mining Company Limited Mine Geological and Mineralogical Staff, 1976). By-products of the copper exploitation include magnetite, which is up to 50% of the phoscorite, and averages about 25% for the whole ore body, sulphuric acid, baddeleyite, uranothorianite, and gold, silver and platinum group elements. Production statistics are quoted by Verwoerd (1986). Apatite is mined from an open pit on pyroxenite at the northwestern margin of the complex. Apatite is absent from the central part of the northern pyroxenite, but an average of 6.7% P2O5 is found in an outer 500 m-wide zone (Fourie and Jager, 1986). FOSKOR, who hold the rights to exploitation of phosphate at Phalaborwa, also receive large tonnages of phosphate-bearing tailings from the Palabora Mining Company mine together with phoscorite, from which FOSKOR recover copper, baddeleyite and magnetite in addition to apatite. About 19 million tons of ore are processed annually to produce 3 million tons of a concentrate with 36.5% P2O5 (Verwoerd, 1986). The Palabora Mining Company also has a vermiculite mine located on the northern pyroxenite. There has been continuous exploitation since 1946 with production in recent years at about 180,000 tons of concentrate carrying 90% vermiculite (Verwoerd, 1986). The ore body only extends to a depth of 50 m and is considered to be the result of alteration of phlogopite by groundwater, although some vermiculitization occurs to depths of 400 m. Production from a second ore body, located on the southern pyroxenite, commenced in 1992.
U-Pb on uranothorianite and baddeleyite from carbonatite and phoscorite from Loolekop yielded an isochron age of 2047 Ma, and U-Pb on a zircon grain from glimmerite near carbonatite, by ion microprobe, c. 2050 Ma. Rb-Sr on phlogopite from carbonatite, pyroxenite and phoscorite gave an isochron of 2012±19 Ma (Eriksson, 1984 and 1989). These data are discussed by Eriksson (1989). Reischmann (1995) made precise U-Pb isotope determinations on baddeleyite that yielded an age of 2060.6±0.5 Ma. Morgan and Briden (1981) consider the age in the light of numerous palaeomagnetic analyses on a range of rock types, including the peripheral syenites.

DAWSON, J.B., STEELE, I.M., SMITH, J.V. and RIVERS, M.L. 1996. Minor and trace element chemistry of carbonates, apatites and magnetites in some African carbonatites. Mineralogical Magazine, 60: 415-25.ERIKSSON, S.C. 1984. Age of carbonatite and phoscorite magmatism of the Phalaborwa complex (South Africa). Isotope Geoscience, 2: 291-9.ERIKSSON, S.C. 1985. Oscillatory zoning in clinopyroxenes from the Guide Copper Mine, Phalaborwa, South Africa. American Mineralogist, 70: 74-9.ERIKSSON, S.C. 1989. Phalaborwa: a saga of magmatism, metasomatism and miscibility. In K. Bell (ed) Carbonatite: genesis and evolution. 221-54. Unwin Hyman, London. ERIKSSON, S.C., FOURIE, P.J. and JAGER, D.H. de, 1985. A cumulate origin for the minerals in clinopyroxenites of the Phalaborwa complex. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, 88: 207-14.FOURIE, P.J. and JAGER, D.H. de, 1986. Phosphate in the Phalaborwa complex. In C.R. Anhaeusser and S. Maske (eds) Mineral deposits of Southern Africa, 2: 2239-53. The Geological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg. FRICK, C. 1975. The Phalaborwa syenite intrusions. Transactions of the Geological Society of South Africa, 78: 201-13.GEHLEN, K. VON, 1976. Sulphur isotopes from the sulphide-bearing carbonatite of Palabora, South Africa. Transactions of the Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 76: B223 (Abstract).HANEKOM, H.J., STADEN, H.VAN, SMIT, P.J. and PIKE, D.R. 1965. The geology of the Palabora igneous complex. Geological Survey of South Africa, Memoir, 54: 1-185. LOMBAARD, A.F., WARD-ABLE, N.M. and BRUCE, R.W. 1964. The exploration and main geological features of the copper deposit in carbonatite at Loolekop, Palabora complex. In S.H. Haughton (ed), The geology of some ore deposits in Southern Africa, 2: 315-37. The Geological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg.MITCHELL, R.H. and KROUSE, H.R. 1975. Sulfur isotope geochemistry of carbonatites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 39: 1505-15. MOORE, A.C. 1984. Orbicular rhythmic layering in the Palabora carbonatite, South Africa. Geological Magazine, 121: 53-60.MORGAN, G.E. and BRIDEN, J.C. 1981. Aspects of Precambrian palaeomagnetism, with new data from the Limpopo Mobile Belt and Kaapvaal Craton in southern Africa. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 24: 142-68.PALABORA MINING COMPANY LIMITED MINE GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGICAL STAFF. 1976. The geology and the economic deposits of copper, iron, and vermiculite in the Palabora igneous complex: a brief review. Economic Geology, 71: 177-92.REISCHMANN, T. 1995. Precise U/Pb age determination with baddeleyite (ZrO2), a case study from the Phalaborwa igneous complex, South Africa. South African Journal of Geology, 98: 1-4.VERWOERD, W.J. 1986. Mineral deposits associated with carbonatites and alkaline rocks. In C.R. Anhaeusser and S. Maske (eds), Mineral deposits of Southern Africa, 2: 2173-91. The Geological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg.

Fig. 3_249 Phaloborwa (after Palabora Mining Company Limited Mine Geological and Mineralogical Staff, 1976, Fig. 2). Some syenite plugs cutting the granite gneiss in the southeastern part of the map have been omitted. and Fig. 3_250 Geological map of the Loolekop orebody at the 122 m level (after Palabora Mining Company Limited Mine Geological and Mineralogical Staff, 1976, Fig. 3).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith