Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences



Occurrence number: 
Longitude: -17.07, Latitude: 14.73

The western end of the Cap-Vert Peninsula, north and west of Dakar, and several small islands, are occupied by Tertiary and Quaternary lavas and tuffs covering an area of about 10x7 km. There are also some dozen smaller occurrences up to 100 km east of Dakar which include pipes, dykes and sills as well as lavas and tuffs. Although many of the extrusive rocks were fed from fissures, at least one large central volcano, the Mamelles volcano west of Dakar, was developed. Layered pyroclastic tuffs, palagonitic lapilli, accetionary lapilli and a high proportion of country rock fragments amongst the pyroclastic ejecta of this volcano are described by Crevola (1974) and interpreted as base-surge deposits. Many of the sills, dykes and pipes are occupied by tuff breccias. The lavas include olivine nephelinite, basanite and alkaline olivine basalt (Dia et al., 1987). The nephelinite contains phenocrysts of olivine (Fo85-7) and salitic pyroxene (Wo52En37Fs11) with groundmass pyroxene (Wo47En38Fs15), nepheline, titanomagnetite with cores of chrome spinel and glass; they are free of feldspar but contain a little normative, but no modal, leucite. The basanites have olivine (Fo77-75) and salite-augite (Wo46En39Fs15) phenocrysts in a matrix of plagioclase (An67-62), titanomagnetite and glass. Analyses of basanites (Dia et al., 1987) indicate similar amounts of normative nepheline to the nephelinites but modal nepheline is apparently not present. The basalts contain phenocrysts of plagioclase (An45-55), olivine (Fo63-56) and augite (Wo45En39Fs16) in a matrix of the same minerals together with titanomagnetite and ilmenite. Analyses of rocks and many of minerals will be found in Dia et al. (1987).

An older suite proves by K-Ar to be Miocene in age: i.e. Govec 13.2±0.4 Ma; Sene Serene 12.40±0.50 Ma; Diack 9.85±0.50 Ma; Fann Point 7.80±0.30 Ma; Cape Manuel 7.7±0.30 Ma; Madelernes Island 7.08±0.20 Ma. A younger suite around Dakar is Pleistocene in age i.e. 1.41±0.06, 1.08±0.1 and 0.88±0.06 Ma (Cantagrel et al., 1976). A detailed K-Ar chronological study by Crevola et al. (1994), based on 26 determinations of 23 samples, has enabled a more refined chronology to be erected for the period from about 35 Ma, when activity began, to about 600,000 years when activity ceased.

CANTAGREL, J.-M., LAPPARTIENI, J.-R. and TESSIER, F. 1976. Nouvelles donnees geochronologiques sur le volcanisme ouest-African. Quatrieme Reunion Annuelle des Sciences de la Terre, Société Geologique de France, 93.CARTE GEOLOGIQUE DU SENEGAL. 1962. Ministère des Travaux Publics, de l'Habitant et de l'Urbanisme, Republique du Senegal. 1:500,000.CREVOLA, G. 1974. Les depots de deferlantes basales du volcan des Mamelles (presqu'île du Cap Vert, Sénégal). Annales de la Faculte des Sciences, Université de Dakar, 27: 99-129.CREVOLA, G. 1978. Sills, dykes et pipes de tufs volcaniques bréchiques fluidifiés dans la presqu'ile du Cap-Vert (Senegal). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, Compte Rendu Sommaire des Seances, 20: 135-9.CREVOLA, G., CANTAGREL, J.-M. and MOREAU, C. 1994. Le volcanisme cénozoïque de la presqu’île du Cap-Vert (Sénégal): cadre chronologique et géodynamique. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 165: 437-46.DIA, A., BABKINE, J. and ROLLET, M. 1987. Quelques precisions sur la composition mineralogique des laves tertiares de la province volcanique de la Presqu'île du Cap-Vert (Senegal). Journal of African Earth Sciences, 6: 257-68.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith