This complex is only marginally alkaline. It consists of two intrusions of approximately 3.5x0.6 km elongated east-west and separated by a narrow zone of Burundian-Kibaran mica schists. The northern intrusion is of microsyenite: the southern of microgranite. Both rock types comprise perthite, albite and a little biotite; the principal mafic mineral of the granite is ferropargasitic hornblende, but of the syenite hedenbergite and fayalite; there is a little fluorite in the syenite. Pyroxene, amphibole and ilmenite analyses are given by Rumvegeri et al. (1985) and one of the analyses of amphibole microgranite contains acmite in the norm.
RUMVEGERI, B.R., CARON, J.-P.H., KAMPUNZU, A.B., LUBALA, R.T. and VELLUTINI, P.J. 1985. Pétrologie et signification géotectonique des plutonites de Kambusi (sud Kivu, Zaïre). Canadian Journal of Earth Science, 22: 304-11.