Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences



Occurrence number: 
Longitude: 116.58, Latitude: 71

The Tomtor complex is located on the Udzhinsky rise, that is composed of tuffaceous and carbonate deposits of Upper Proterozoic age. The complex is covered by Quaternary sediments with a thickness of 10-140 m, and was discovered as the result of geophysical work; it has been investigated by drilling. It is circular in form with a diameter of 16 km; the outer contacts are vertical. The principal rock types are jacupirangite-ijolite, nepheline and peralkaline syenites and a carbonatite series, which includes apatite-magnetite rocks - phoscorites. In the central part there is a stock-like body of calcite carbonatites towards the periphery of which the carbonatites change into a zone of breccia with a carbonatitic cement. Dykes of alnoite, limburgite, augitite and picrite are concentrated in this zone. To the west of the carbonatites there is a block of Upper Proterozoic rocks which have been intensively metasomatised, and to the east and north of the carbonatites there is a zone of alkaline-ultrabasic rocks which includes nepheline pyroxenites, melteigites, ijolites and associated magnetite ores. All these rocks are characterised by heterogeneous textures and structures and are intensively metasomatised and phlogopitised. The peripheral zone of the Tomtor complex consists of nepheline and peralkaline syenites which are cut by numerous dykes, necks and pipes of alkaline ultrabasic rocks (alnoite, picrite and alvikite). Overlying the massif there is a mantle of weathered rocks with a thickness of 50-200 m which comprises kaolinitic, francolitic and carbonatitic facies which are rich in iron oxides. The geochemistry and origin of the complex are discussed by Kravchenko et al. (1993).

In the core of the overlying weathered rocks there are concentrations of vermiculite, francolite and kaolinite. The francolite-rich rocks occur in the form of lenses up to 50 m thick and have an average grade of 12.5% P2O5. Kravchenko et al. (1990) describe Sc, REE and Nb ores in the weathered mantle overlying altered carbonatite in some parts of which pyrochlore concentrations give up to 12% Nb2O5 and there are up to 37% RE oxides. Apatite-magnetite and phlogopite-magnetite ores are associated with the alkaline ultrabasic rocks (Porshnev and Stepanov, 1981).
According to geological evidence the complex must be early-middle Palaeozoic in age (Porshnev and Stepanov, 1981; Erlikh and Zagrusina, 1981).

ENTIN, A., ZAITSEV, A.I., NENASHEV, N.I., VASILENKO, V.B., ORLOV, A.N., TIAN, O.A., OLKHOVOK, Yu.A., OLSHTYNSKII, S.P. and TOLSTOV, A.V. 1990. On the sequence of geological events involved in the intrusion of the Tomtor massif of ultrabasic alkaline rocks and carbonatites (North-western Yakutia). Geologiya i Geofizika. Novosibirsk, Part 12: 42-51.
ERLIKH, E.N. and ZAGRUSINA, I.A. 1981. Geological aspects of the geochronology of the north-eastern part of the Siberian Platform. Izvestiya Akademia Nauk SSSR, Seriya Geologiya, N.G. 8: 5-13.
*KRAVCHENKO, S.M., BELYAKOV, A.Yu., KUBYSHEV, A.I. and TOLSTOV, A.V. 1990. Scandium-rare earth-yttrium-niobium ores - a new economic resource. International Geology Review, 32: 280-4.
*KRAVCHENKO, S.M., BELYAKOV, A.Yu. and POKROVSKIY, B.G. 1993. Geochemistry and origin of the Tomtor massif in the North Siberian Platform. Geochemistry International, 30: 20-36.
PORSHNEV, G.I. and STEPANOV, L.L. 1980. Geological structure and phosphate-bearing rocks of the Tomtor massif (north-western Yakutia). In Alkaline magmatism and apatite-bearing rocks of north Siberia. 84-100. Nauchno-Issledovatel'skogo Instituta Geologii Arktiki, Leningrad.
PORSHNEV, G.I. and STEPANOV, L.L. 1981. Geology and mineralogy of the Ud'in Province (north-western Yakut ASSR). Sovetskaya Geologiya. Moskva, 12: 103-6.

Fig. 2_138. Tomtor (after Porshnev and Stepanov, 1981, Fig. 2).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith