The Gilindra complex covers about 35 km2 and has a stock-like form cutting Upper Proterozoic granite gneisses. The complex evolved in two phases. During the first phase akerites, sviatonossites (andradite-rich peralkaline syenites) and granodiorites were emplaced, and during the second phase quartz akerites, syenites and adamellites. The akerites are hypidiomorphic textures rocks comprising oligoclase and oligoclase-andesine (An24-30), microcline, aegirine-diopside (10-40% aegirine molecule); accessory minerals are titanite and Ti-Fe oxides. The sviatonossites are medium- and coarse-grained trachytic rocks with microcline phenocrysts and a groundmass composed of albite, aegirine-diopside, hornblende, andradite (up to 30%) and accessory titanite, zircon and apatite.
ZHIDKOV, A.Ya. 1968. Apatite-bearing alkaline intrusions of the North Baikal area. In V.I. Smirnov et al. (eds) Apatite, 126-132. Nauka, Moscow.