The Dezhnevskii complex covering an area of 125 km2 lies within Carboniferous limestones and is of Palaeogene age. From the centre of the complex to the periphery there are a number of irregular concentric and semi-concentric zones. The central part is composed of granites which are succeeded outwards by quartz syenites, syenites and nepheline syenites. Within the nepheline syenites pseudoleucite shonkinites have been identified.
PERCHUK, L.L. 1963. The magmatic replacement of the Carboniferous rock mass followed by the formation of the nepheline syenites and other alkali rocks in the Dezhnev massif considered as a model. In G.A. Sokolov (ed) Physico-chemical problems of rock and ore formation, 2: 160-81. Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow.
ZALISHCHAK, N.L. 1978. Alkali magmatic rocks. In Geology of the Pacific Mobile Belt and the Pacific Ocean. 2: 66-82. Nedra, Leningrad.