Kadyross is the largest massif of East Tuva covering about 150 km2 and, according to Makhin and Pavlenko (1966), the combined occurrences of Kadyross and Kyshtag cover more than 250 km2. Kyshtag lies several kilometres to the northeast of Kadyross. Peralkaline syenites are extremely abundant and peralkaline and calc-alkaline granites are common in the eastern part of the complex. There are granite dykes and veins, syenite porphyry, peralkaline syenite pegmatite and aplite.
KOVALENKO, V.I., OKLADNIKOVA, L.V., PAVLENKO, A.S., POPOLITOV, E.I. and FILIPOV, L.V. 1965. Petrology of the mid-Palaeozoic complex of granite and alkaline rocks from East Tuva. In B.M. Shmakin (ed) Geochemistry and petrology of the magmatic and metasomatic occurrences. 55-149. Nauka, Moscow.
KUDRIN, V.S. 1962. Alkaline intrusions from north-east Tuva. Sovetskaya Geologiya, Moskva, 4: 40-52.
MAKHIN, G.V. and PAVLENKO, A.S. 1966. The middle Palaeozoic (Sangilen) alkaline intrusive complex. In G.A. Kudr'avisev and V.A. Kuznetsov (eds) Geology of the USSR XXIX (part 1): 306-26. Nedra, Moscow.
YASHINA, R.M. and BORISEVICH, I.V. 1966. The age of the alkaline rocks of East Tuva. InG.D. Afanas'ev (ed) Dating of the tectono-magmatic cycles and metallogenic stages. 326-36. Nauka, Moscow.