This occurrence is situated on the southern coast of the small bay of Kanda-guba on the White sea. The intrusion, with an area of about 3.6 km2, is partly covered by Quaternary sediments. According to geophysical data it has a structure which is close to vertical and it is considered to be the uppermost part of a larger intrusion. It has a zonal structure with small areas of apatite-bearing ijolite in the centre, which change outwards to malignites and carbonatites. The periphery of the complex is composed of alkaline syenites. Fenitised amphibole-biotite gneisses of the Belomorsk Archaean series are widely developed around the intrusion. The presence of lens-shaped bodies of magnetite ores have been predicted, by geophysical means, in the southern contact zone and towards the centre of the massif. The complex is characterised by a high content of rare elements of a carbonatite association type and by a high content of apatite in the ijolite, carbonatites and malignite.
CHUVARDINSKI, V.G. and KARAEV, S.S. 1988. New data in the investigations of mineral raw materials in the Murmansk region. 12-3. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Kola Branch, Apatity.