Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences



Occurrence number: 
Kola and Karelia
Longitude: 33.6, Latitude: 67.52

This occurrence is located 5 km south of the Khibina pluton and follows an east-west-trending pattern of fractures. It is lens-shaped and has a length of 20 km and width from 0.5 to 2.2 km. The contacts with volcanogenic country rocks are tectonised and complicated by mylonite zones and injected by veins of alkaline rocks. The intrusion consists of peralkaline, analcime and nepheline-analcime syenites. There are also dykes of syenite porphyry, syenite pegmatite and nordmarkite as well as albitites, which develop in the zones of syenite mylonitization.

U-Pb dating of syenites gave 2000_+50 Ma (Vinogradov et al., 1985).

KUKHARENKO, A.A., BULAKH, A.G., IL'INSKY G.A., SHINKAREV, N.F. and ORLOVA, M.P. 1971. Metallogenic peculiarities of alkaline formations of the eastern part of the Baltic shield. Trudy Leningradskogo Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei, 122 (2): 278 pp.
VINOGRADOV, A.N., BATIEVA, I.D., BELKOV, I.V. and VINOGRADOV, G.V. 1985. Petrochemical types and succession of formation of intrusive series in the polyformational Gremyakha-Vyrmes massif.In Petrology and mineralogy of alkaline, alkaline-ultrabasic and carbonatite complexes of the Karelia-Kola region. 61-9. Akademii Nauk SSSR. Kola Branch, Apatity.

Fig. 2_20. Soustova (after Kukharenko et al., 1971, Fig. 15).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith