Kurginskii is located within the northeastern tectonic zone of the Kola aulocogen within Archaean gneisses of the Kola series. It has an elliptical shape, is 9 km in length and has an area of about 30 km2. The greater part of the intrusion is buried beneath the waters of Lovozero Lake. It is a heavily faulted, steeply plunging intrusion of ultramafic rocks which, in the central part, is cut by a stock of alkaline and nepheline syenites (Kukharenko et al., 1971). An alternative interpretation is that it is a downward focussing, zoned intrusion (Proskuryakov and Zak, 1966). The ultrabasic complex consists, from the centre to the margin, of olivinites, wherlites and clinopyroxenites. The youngest rocks are nepheline syenites, malignites, tinguaites and cross-cutting veins of ultramafic rocks and nepheline syenite.
KUKHARENKO, A.A., BULAKH, A.G., IL'INSKY G.A., SHINKAREV, N.F. and ORLOVA, M.P. 1971. Metallogenic peculiarities of alkaline formations of the eastern part of the Baltic shield. Trudy Leningradskogo Obshchestva Estestvoispytatelei, 122 (2): 278 pp.
PROSKURYAKOV, V.V. and ZAK, S.I. 1966. The Kurginsky massif of ultrabasic and alkaline rocks on the Kola Peninsula. In Alkaline rocks of the Kola Peninsula. 44-54. Nauka, Moscow and Leningrad.