The White Tundra occurrence is situated within basic rocks of the Pansk massif and lower Archaean granitoids. The intrusion has an area of 240 km2 and is apparantly related to a northwesterly-trending fault. The intrusion consists essentially of alkaline granites which have an undoubted intrusive relationship to the country rocks and which contain xenoliths of basic rocks and granodiorite derived from them. The most typical granites are peralkaline, porphyritic rocks with aegirine and arfvedsonite. The main rock-forming minerals are quartz, microcline, albite, aegirine, riebeckite, arfvedsonite, katophorite, aenigmatite and lepidomelane with accessory zircon, titanite, apatite, monazite, fluorite and xenotime.
BATIEVA, I.D. 1976. The petrology of alkaline granitoids of the Kola peninsula. Nauka, Leningrad. 223 pp.
BATIEVA, I.D. and BEL'KOV, I.V. 1984. The rocks and minerals of the Sakhar'oksky alkaline massif. Akademii Nauk SSSR, Apatity. 133 pp.