Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Extrusives Of Maimecha-Kotui Western Area


Occurrence number: 
Longitude: 95.92, Latitude: 70.82

Extrusive volcanic rocks are developed extensively in the northern part of the Maimecha-Kotui province along the margin of the mid-Siberian platform with the Taimyr depression (Fig. 110) in the vicinity of the Guli complex (No. 2). The overall sequence is a thick one and a number of distinct suites can be recognised (Fig. 111, inset diagram). The Aridiansk and Pravoboyarsky suites lie on middle Palaeozoic rocks, which are predominantly limestones. The Pravoboyarsky rocks, from 250 to 400 m thick, are basic pyroclastics and the 250-500 m thick Aridiansk suite comprises ultramafic alkaline rocks. At the base of the Aridiansk succession there is 25-50 m of alkaline ultrabasic tuffs above which are flows of melanephelinite, melilitite, olivine melanephelinite, limburgite and alkaline picrite with occasional layers of tuffs and gravels. Above these two suites are rocks of the Kogotsky suite the lower sequence (300-400 m) of which consists of basalts with the upper 350-500 m thick sequence formed mainly of trachybasalts and trachyandesitic basalts, but also including flows of dacite, trachyte, andesite, olivine melanephelinite and nephelinite. The uppermost Delcan suite is divided into two sequences. The 545 m thick lower sequence consists of melanephelinite and melilitite, most of which contain olivine, mela-analcimite, limburgite, augitite, alkaline picrite, basanite and tephrite. The upper sequence is 300-500 m in thickness and sharply divided from the lower by a horizon of trachytes. It consists principally of rocks of the trachybasalt-trachyte series but there are also flows of ultrabasic foidites, subalkaline picrite, andesite, trachyrhyolite and trachytic ignimbrites. At the mouth of the Delcan River the Delcan suite is overlain by high Mg ultrabasic lavas and tuffs (meimichites) which extend for more than 20 km along the right bank of the Meimecha River. Analyses of the melilite-bearing rocks, including REE and other trace elements, are presented and discussed by Gladkikh (1991).

K-Ar determinations on biotite gave 188-297 Ma (Egorov, 1991) and Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isochrons on meimechite 239±61 Ma (Kogarko et al., 1988).

EGOROV, L.S. 1991. Ijolite carbonatite plutonism (case history of the Maimecha-Kotui complexes northern Siberia). Nedra, Leningrad. 260 pp.
*GLADKIKH, V.S. 1991. Geochemistry of melilitic volcanic rocks in the Maymecha-Kotuy province. Geochemistry International, 28(11): 119-28.
KOGARKO, L.N., KARPENKO, S.F., LYALIKOV, A.V.and TEPTELEV, M.P. 1988. Isotopic criteria for the origin of melteigite magmatism (Polar Siberia). Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 301: 939-42.

Fig. 2_110. Map showing the relationship of the Maimecha-Kotui Province to the alkaline occurrences on the Taimyr Peninsula and to the Anabar Province. The areas illustrated in Figs 105 (Taimyr), 109 (Maimecha-Kotui) and 136 (Anabar) are indicated. and Fig. 2_111. Distribution of extrusive rocks in the Maimecha-Kotui province.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith