One of the larger massifs in the Primorye region Poginskii is about 5 km in length. The intrusion cuts volcanic and sedimentary strata of upper Palaeozoic age and is overlapped by upper Cretaceous acid volcanics. It is composed predominantly of trachytic foyaites which are considerably metamorphosed resulting in their replacement by aggregates of albite, zeolite, cancrinite and liebenerite. A series of veins is rather varied including as it does syenite porphyry, bostonite, nepheline syenite pegmatite and albitite. Alkaline basaltoids (essexite and teschenites) form extrusive bodies and numerous dykes.
KOTLYUR, S.G. 1968. North-east and Far East. In Yu.I. Polovinkina (ed) Geological structures of the USSR. 3 Magmatism. Nedra, Moscow. 640 pp.
ZALISHCHAK, B.L. 1978. Alkaline magmatic rocks. In Geology of the Pacific Belt and Pacific Ocean. 2: 66-93. Nedra, Leningrad.