This occurrence is situated in the southern part of the Birranga Ridge in the upper part of a small river, the Angidritovyi. It has a ring form and occupies only some 250 m2. It is composed of nepheline syenites which may be equigranular or porphyritic. A typical composition of the nepheline syenites is 50% nepheline, 30% albite, 9% K-feldspar, 6% analcime and zeolites, 3% aegirine and aegirine-augite and 1% schorlomite.
DAMINOVA, A.M. 1963. Alkaline rocks of central Taimyr. Trudy, Patricia Lumumba University of Peoples Friendship, Moscow, 3(1): 3-48.
EGOROV, L.S. and SURINA, N.P. 1980. Nepheline syenites of the Shelochnogo spring intrusion syenites in the Central Taimyr. In Alkaline magmatism and apatite-bearing rocks of the north of Siberia. Scientific-Investigatory Institute of Arctic Geology, Leningrad. 155-174.