Elanchik, and the two previously described occurences (Nos 14 and 15), have zonal structures, although all rock phases may not be involved in this zonality. Melanocratic rocks, including fayalite-hedenbergite and hedenbergite-ferrohastingsite syenites, tend to be concentrated at the margins whereas leucocratic granosyenites and granites occur towards the centres of the massifs. The fayalite-hedenbergite syenites are similar, or identical, to those of the Korsun-Novomirgorod pluton (No. 7), which is taken to indicate a genetic relationship between the Azov Sea coastal complex and the anorthosite-rapakivi granite formation. High Fe:Mg ratios of the dark coloured minerals (fayalite, hedenbergite, ferrohastingsite) and high Zr values (0.14%) are characteristic features of the Azov Sea coastal syenites, which suggest that they are products of residual melts. Alkali pyroxenes and amphiboles are met with in a number of the rock types.
KARAMSIN, B.S. 1979. The Azov batholith and its structure. Geologicheskii Zhurnal, 4: 137-43.
KRIVDIK, S.G. and TKACHUK, V.I. 1986. Formational classification of the alkaline rocks of the Ukrainian shield. Tezisy Dokladov VII Vesesoyuznogo Petrograficheskogo Obshchestva. Novosibirsk, 85-7.
SEMENENKO, N.P. SAVCHENKO, N.A. and BRITCHENKO, A.D. 1977. Cycles of volcanism of the Dneiper-Donetz basin and Donbass and metal-bearing problems of the northern slope of the Ukrainian Shield. In: Volcanism and ore-formations of the Dneprovo-Donetz basin and Donbass. AN Ukraine SSR, 156 pp.
SHERBACK, N.P. (ed), ZLOBENKO, V.G., ZSHUKOV, G.V. et al. 1978. Catalogue of isotope data of the rocks of the Ukrainian Shield. Naukova Dumka, Kiev. 233 pp.