Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Dnieper-Donetz Basin


Occurrence number: 
Longitude: 34.53, Latitude: 49.47

During drilling in the search for oil at depths of 900-2300 m in the Dnieper-Donetz basin effusive and intrusive alkaline rocks have been found in a long narrow zone over an area of more than 1800 km2. They can be divided into two series: (a) olivine basalt, analcime basalt, basalt-trachyandesite and trachyte-quartz porphyry and (b) alkaline picrite, meimechite, ankaramite, nephelinite and leucitite (Lyashkevich and Zavialova, 1974). Melteigite, ijolite, malignite (Voloshina, 1977), bergalite (Gladkikh, 1988), monchiquite, limburgite and augitite (Buturlinov et al., 1973) have also been described. It is assumed that the alkaline magmatism of the Dnieper-Donetz basin is closely connected with the palaeo-rift system which extends westwards towards the Pripyat basin.

K-Ar on biotite gave 340-392 Ma (Semenenko et al., 1977).

BUTURLINOV, N.V., GONSHAKOVA, V.I. and ZARITSKY, A.I. 1973. The Devonian alkaline-basic alkaline-basaltoid complex of the conjunction zone of the Donbass with the Preazov part of the Ukrainian shield. In: Bazit-giperbazitovii magmatizm i mineralogiya yuga Vostochno-Evropeiskoi platformy. 171-263. Nedra, Moscow.
GLADKIKH, V.S. 1988. Tholeiitic and subalkaline basaltic volcanism of the East European and Siberian platform. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Geologicheskaya, 9: 3-17.
LYASHKEVICH, Z.I. and ZAVIALOVA, T.V. 1974. Volcanism of the Dneiper-Donetz basin. Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 178 pp.
SEMENENKO, N.P. SAVCHENKO, N.A. and BRITCHENKO, A.D. 1977. Cycles of volcanism of the Dneiper-Donetz basin and Donbass and metal-bearing problems of the northern slope of the Ukrainian Shield. In: Volcanism and ore-formations of the Dneprovo-Donetz basin and Donbass. AN Ukraine SSR, 156 pp.
VOLOSHINA, Z.G. 1977. Volcanogenic Devonian formations of the central part of the Dneprovo-Donetz basin. In: Volcanism and ore formations of the Dneprovo-Donetz basin and Donbass. 55-75. Naukova Dumka, Kiev.

Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith