Situated in the central Tyan-Shan Shamatorskii has an area of about 80 km2 and is a steeply dipping, lens-shaped body with a length 25 km and width up to 7 km. The intrusion, the inner part of which is layered, is composed of biotite clinopyroxenite, biotite melagabbro and subordinate essexite, monzonite and nepheline syenite. The layering within the complex conforms with the contacts and dips at steep angles. The intrusion is crossed by dykes of syenite aplite, nepheline syenite pegmatite, camptonite and spessartite. At the contacts with the country rocks are narrow zones of fenite and hornblende rocks.
KUSHEV, V.G. 1960. Some data on alkaline rocks of the western part of the Shamatorsky intrusion. Vestnik Leningradskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta, Seriya Geologiya, Geografiya, 1(6): 31-42.