This occurrence is represented by a dyke-like body and a rectangular intrusions of about 4.6x0.5 km. It cuts through terrigenous sediments with subordinate horizons of lavas and pyroclastics of basic compositon. To the south of the main intrusion there is a small, intrusive body that is associated with a northeasterly-trending fracture zone, which is probably a satellite of the massif. The massif is composed principally of riebeckite granites, but biotite granites are observed in the northern part of the main intrusion. There are some distinct areas of biotite-riebeckite granite that are characterised by the secondary nature of the biotite. There are dykes of granite, aplite, quartz porphyry and granodiorite porphyry
ERMOLOV, P.V., VLADIMIROV, A.G. and TIKHOMIROVA, N.I. 1988. The petrology of silica oversaturated agpaitic alkaline rocks. Nauka, Novosibirsk. 86 pp.
ZIRYANOV, V.N. 1969. Petrology of the metasomatically altered granitoids and alkaline rocks of the Chingizsky zone. Nauka, Moscow. 160 pp.