This small, 1 km2 intrusion is a stock-like body composed of peralkaline syenites and granosyenites with subordinate dykes of nepheline syenite. The syenites and granosyenites are composed of microcline, albite-oligoclase, arfvedsonite, hastingsite, aegirine, lepidomelane and melanite; accessories are zircon, fluorite, apatite, titanite and magnetite. In the nepheline syenites there are 0-45% of nepheline, 6-28% cancrinite, aegirine, hastingsite, lepidomelane and melanite with accessory zircon, apatite, titanite, fluorite, garnet, ilmenite and magnetite.
MONICH, V.K., ABDRAKHMANOV, K.A., NURLIBAYEV, A.N., ZHYR'ANOV, V.N., STAROV, V.I., NARSEEV, A.A., BUGAEZ, A.N. and SEMENOV, Yu, A. 1965a. Alkaline intrusions of Kazakhstan and their age correlation. Abstracts of the First Kazakhstan Petrographic Conference. Kazakhstan Academy of Science, Alma-Ata. 19-22.
MONICH, V.K., IVANOV, A.I., KOMLEV, L.V., LAPICHEV, G.F. and SEMENOV, T.P. 1965b. Age of magmatic and metamorphic rocks of the East Kazakhstan geochronological scale. In Magmatism and metamorphism of East Kazakhstan. 27-8. Akademii Nauk Kazakhstan SSR, Alma-Ata.