Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Black Mountain


Occurrence number: 
United States
Longitude: -116.55, Latitude: 37.27

The building of the Black Mountain volcano involved the eruption of a series of voluminous ash-flow tuffs, multiple caldera subsidence, and partial or complete filling of the caldera by lavas. The rocks range from subalkaline basalts, mugearites, trachytes and rhyolites, to peralkaline trachytic rhyolites, comendites and pantellerites. The Thirsty Canyon tuff is the most extensive of the tuff deposits and comprises five distinct ash-flow sheets, two of which, the Spearhead and Labyrinth Canyon members, are comenditic and a third, the Gold Flat member, pantelleritic. The Gold Flat Member is densely to partially welded and contains 10-25% phenocrysts of alkali feldspar, quartz, sodic plagioclase, fayalitic olivine, clinopyroxene, barkevikitic amphibole and opaques with rare biotite, zircon and chevkinite, in a dense groundmass (Noble, 1965). Chemical analyses are given by Noble and Parker (1975, Table 1), REE data by Noble et al. (1979, Table 1) and an account of the general geological setting of Black Mountain by Ekren et al. (1971).

A specimen from the Gold Flat Member of the Thirsty Canyon tuff gave 7.8 ±0.6 Ma by K-Ar (Marvin et al., 1970, Table 1).

EKREN, E.B., ANDERSON, R.E., ROGERS, C.L. and NOBLE, D.C. 1971. Geology of Northern Nellis Air Force Base Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nye County, Nevada. Professional Paper, United States Geological Survey, 651: 1-91.
MARVIN, R.F., BYERS, F.M., MEHNERT, H.H., ORKILD, P.P. and STERN, T.W. 1970. Radiometric ages and stratigraphic sequence of volcanic and plutonic rocks, southern Nye and western Lincoln Counties, Nevada. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 81: 2657-76.
NOBLE, D.C. 1965. Gold Flat Member of the Thirsty Canyon Tuff - a pantellerite ash-flow sheet in southern Nevada. Professional Paper, United States Geological Survey, 525-B: 85-90.
NOBLE, D.C. and PARKER, D.F. 1975. Peralkaline silicic volcanic rocks of the western United States. Bulletin Volcanologique, 38: 803-27.
NOBLE, D.C., RIGOT, W.L. and BOWMAN, H.R. 1979. Rare-earth-element content of some highly differentiated ash-flow tuffs and lavas. Special Paper, Geological Society of America, 180: 77-85

Fig. 1_142 The central part of the Black Mountain volcanic centre (after Ekren et al., 1971, Plate 1). and Fig. 1_143 The approximate original distributions of rocks from the Black Mountain, Silent Canyon and Kane Springs Wash volcanic centres (after Noble et al., 1968, Fig. 1).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith