Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences

Similkameen Pluton


Occurrence number: 
United States
Longitude: -119.58, Latitude: 48.97

Lying to the south of the Kruger intrusion (031-00-037), in Okanogan County, is an area of alkaline rocks which are marginal to the Similkameen pluton and probably related to the Kruger occurrence. The Similkameen pluton is zoned from granodiorite and quartz monzonite, through monzonite, to alkaline rocks including malignite and syenitic gneiss. Along much of the border of the pluton pyroxenite, malignite and syenite gneiss grade into each other and the granitic rocks. Quartz is sparse or absent in the border rocks and increases towards the centre of the pluton. The malignite consists of large euhedral microclines, hastingsite, augite, biotite and a little nepheline and its alteration products.

Granodiorite of the Similkameen pluton gave 70 and 83 Ma by K-Ar on biotite and 115, 155 and 177 Ma on hornblende (Fox et al., 1975, Table 1).

FOX, K.F., RINEHART, C.D. and ENGELS, J.C. 1975. K-Ar age of the Similkameen batholith and Kruger alkalic complex, Washington and British Columbia. Journal of Research, United States Geological Survey, 3: 39-43.
RINEHART, C.D. and FOX, K.F. 1972. Geology and mineral deposits of the Loomis Quadrangle, Okanogan County, Washington. Bulletin, Washington Geological Survey, 64: 1-124

Fig. 1_125 The Similkameen (174-00-015), Shankers Bend (174-00-016) and Kruger (174-00-014) intrusions, and other alkaline bodies in the vicinity (after Rinehart and Fox, 1972, Plate 1, inset).
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith