Conglomerates and schists are the country rocks of the West Kichikalaiskii intrusion, the first igneous phase of which is represented by aegirine-augite syenites. Close to the margin of the intrusion they grade into garnet-bearing, melanocratic, fine-grained syenites and shonkinites. Feldspathoidal syenites comprise the last intrusive phase and these have been affected by processes of albitization and liebeneritization. The intrusion is encircled by a 200 m wide zone of hornblendites.
KAYUMOV, A.K. and KARABAEV, K.K. 1981. Alkaline magmatism and ore-formation of the south Tyan-Shan. Uzbek Academy of Science Publishers, Tashkent. 135 pp.
SHINKAREV, N.F. 1966. Upper Palaeozoic magmatism of Turkestan-Alay. Leningrad University Publishers, Leningrad. 152 pp.