Rising to about 1000 m above the surrounding monotonous plains the Little Rocky Mountains contain a core of granite and syenite porphyry, and schists surrounded by sedimentary rocks ranging from Cambrian to Cretaceous in age. The granites and syenites are leucocratic, with occasionally a little biotite or hornblende, but one specimen described by Weed and Pirsson (1896a, p. 418) from north of Mission Butte contained a little aegirine. On the southwest side of the mountains at the margin of the granite-syenite mass just north of Landusky a phonolite was sampled (op. cit., p. 419) consisting of alkali feldspar phenocrysts up to 1 cm long in a groundmass of alkali feldspar, aegirine-augite zoned to aegirine and nepheline.
EMMONS, W.H. 1908. Gold deposits of the Little Rocky Mountains, Montana. Bulletin, United States Geological Survey, 340: 96-116.
HEARN, B.C., MARVIN, R.F., ZARTMAN, R.E. and NAESER, C.W. 1978. Ages of alkalic igneous activity in north-central Montana. Professional Paper, United States Geological Survey, 1100: 60.
WEED, W.H. and PIRSSON, L.V. 1896a. The geology of the Little Rocky Mountains. Journal of Geology, 4: 399-428