Alkaline Rocks and Carbonatites of the World

Setup during HiTech AlkCarb: an online database of alkaline rock and carbonatite occurrences


Authorssort ascendingYearTitle
1955BJORNBERG, A.J.S. and ELLERT, R. 1955. Observacoes geologicos e petrograficas sobre a Ilha dos Buzios. Anais da Academia de Ciencias, 27: 169-82
1955WATSON, K.D. 1955. Kimberlite at Bachelor Lake, Quebec. American Mineralogist, 40: 565-79.
1955CLARK, T.H. 1955. St. Jean-Beloeil area. Geological Report, Quebec Department of Mines, 66: 1-83.
1955CLARK, T.H. 1955. St. Jean-Beloeil area. Geological Report, Quebec Department of Mines, 66: 1-83.
1955MCANULTY, W.N. 1955. Geology of Cathedral Mountain Quadrangle, Brewster County, Texas. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 66: 531-78.
1955JOHNSON, R.W. and MILTON, C. 1955. Dike rocks of central-western Virginia. Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, 66: 1689 (abstract).
1955ADAMYAN, A.I. 1955. Petrography of the alkaline rocks of the Megrinsky region Armenian SSR. Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, Erevan. 102 pp.
1955KING, B.C. 1955. Syenitisation de granites a Semarule, pres de Molepolole, Protectorat du Bechuanaland. Colloque International de Petrographie, Nancy. C.N.R.S. Colloque, Paris 68: 1-15.
1955KOCH, P. 1955b. Sur un gneiss a riebeckite du Nord-Cameroun. Compte Rendu Sommaire des Seances de la Societe Geologique de France, 274-5.KOCH, P. 1959b. Le Precambrien de la frontiere occidentale du Cameroun central. Bulletin de la Direction des Mines et
1955GUIRAUDIE, C. 1955. Notice explicative sur la feuille Ngaoundere-Ouest. Carte Geologique de Reconnaissance a l'echelle du 1/500,000. (O42). Paris.
1955BEAR, L.M. 1955. Geology of the Taveta area. Report, Geological Survey of Kenya, 32: 1-48.
1955BORDET, P., FREULON, J.M. and LEFRANC, J.P.1955. Phonolite a eudialyte du Jebel Fezzan. Bulletin Societe Francaise de Mineralogie et de Crystallographie, 78 (7-9): 425-31.
1955JEREMINE , E. 1955. L'ankaratrite a hauyne du Jebel Tourguejid (Haut Atlas de Midelt). Quelques considerations sur les ankaratrites du Maroc et sur les ankaratrites en general. Notes et Memoires. Service Geologique Maroc, 125: 59-75.RACHDI, H., BERRAHMA,
1955JEREMINE , E. 1955. L'ankaratrite a hauyne du Jebel Tourguejid (Haut Atlas de Midelt). Quelques considerations sur les ankaratrites du Maroc et sur les ankaratrites en general. Notes et Memoires. Service Geologique Maroc, 125: 59-75.
1955JEREMINE , E. 1955. L'ankaratrite a hauyne du Jebel Tourguejid (Haut Atlas de Midelt). Quelques considerations sur les ankaratrites du Maroc et sur les ankaratrites en general. Notes et Memoires. Service Geologique Maroc, 125: 59-75.
1955ANDREW, G., AUDEN, J.B. and WRIGHT, E.P. 1955. Geological map of the southern Sudan. 1:2,000,000. Geological Survey of Sudan, Khartoum. VAIL. J.R. 1978. Outline of the geology and mineral deposits of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan and adjacent areas
1955ANDREW, G., AUDEN, J.B. and WRIGHT, E.P. 1955. Geological map of the southern Sudan. 1:2,000,000. Geological Survey of Sudan, Khartoum. HUNTING GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS LIMITED, 1980. Mineral exploration of the Juba area. Unpublished Report, Democratic Repu
1955GASS, I.G. 1955. The geology of the Dunganab area, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan. M.Sc. thesis, University of Leeds. 100 pp. (unpublished)VAIL, J.R. 1976. Location and geochronology of igneous ring-complexes and related rocks in north-east Africa. Geologisches Jah
1955DELANEY, F.M. 1955. Ring structures in the northern Sudan. Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae, 48: 133-48.
1955ANDREW, G., AUDEN, J.B. and WRIGHT, E.P. 1955. Geological map of the southern Sudan. 1:2,000,000. Geological Survey of Sudan, Khartoum. VAIL. J.R. 1978. Outline of the geology and mineral deposits of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan and adjacent areas
1955ANDREW, G., AUDEN, J.B. and WRIGHT, E.P. 1955. Geological map of the southern Sudan. 1:2,000,000. Geological Survey of Sudan, Khartoum. HUNTING GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS LIMITED, 1980. Mineral exploration of the Juba area. Unpublished Report, Democratic Repu
1955DEANS, T. and MCCONNELL, J.D.C. 1955. Isokite, CaMgPO4F, a new mineral from Northern Rhodesia. Mineralogical Magazine, 30: 681-90.REEVE, W.H. and DEANS, T. 1954. An occurrence of carbonatite in the Isoka District of Northern Rhodesia. Colonial Geology and
1955ADAMYAN, A.I. 1955. Petrography of the alkaline rocks of the Megrinsky region Armenian SSR. Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, Erevan. 102 pp.
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith